Insuring Santa
What insurance would Santa need, and how much would it cost? We had a go at getting cover for St. Nick (his database of all households is a GDPR nightmare).
Santa has a lot on at this time of year. So, we’ve taken a thing off his mind by getting him some sensible insurance for Christmas.
First stop: Travel Insurance. Onto the internet. Single Trip. Mini-disaster: CompareTheMarket makes you select all the countries you need cover in. A visit to Google confirms that 160 countries celebrate Christmas. Damn. 10 minutes later. Next issue: baggage cover maxes out at £4,000. Let’s skip that – we’ve got bigger problems than £4k will solve if Blitzen throws a shoe over the North Sea. A little creativity around date of birth and…we’re off…55 companies quoting for the chance…amazing! 9 companies quoted and the cheapest premium is £24.31. Thank you InsureAndGo…
Next on the list: Professional Indemnity. I had concerns about business address, but it turns out that our glorious Post Office has thought of everything. This is – no joke – Santa’s address in case you need it: Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ. Next thinker: does Santa need Employers Liability cover? Does he pay the elves? Does he have a modern slavery statement? Let’s hedge the bet and get him some just in case. Then the declarations: Have you ever been bankrupt? There will have been years when the kids were especially good that must’ve brought Santa close to the line, but he’s still in business so I’m going with: No. Get Quote…drum roll…2 providers in the mix and the winner is AXA at £276.15. Bargain.
Finally: Commercial Vehicle insurance for the sleigh and reindeer. It’s a tough one because pets invalidate most motor vehicle policies. This’ll need something specialist. Fortunately, KBIS offers an online quote facility for horse and carriage (close enough) and lists possible activities including “Long Distance/endurance (over 40km)” which seemed to cover it. All for the premium price of £469.86.
Total to cover the old round red fella: £770.32
Conclusion: it takes a long time to get insurance for Santa, and it’s not worth it.
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