Digital Readiness

Toby MacLachlan, 6 April 2021

What does it mean to ‘go digital’?

Going digital means giving your customers, staff, and management the widest possible array of online and data-enriched tools so they can achieve their aims in whatever suits them best.

How easy is it to achieve?

It’s not always easy. There are three major hurdles to clear:

  1. Your own mindset – prioritise digital transformation above all other concerns. Growth, client retention, and staff satisfaction will all stem from this.
  2. Your staff’s mindset – people are often resistant to change. Encouraging your staff to contribute and embrace change is a challenge in itself.
  3. Your technology – investing in systems that enable digital transformation is often expensive and a journey into the unknown.

What’s the end goal?

The end goal is that your customers can interact with the product and business in the way that they want; that your staff enjoy the benefits of automation of repetitive tasks and seeing their own feedback implemented; that your company is able to make better, more informed decisions and quickly adopt new strategies, technologies, and products as they emerge.

Stages on the journey

  1. Take a good look at your business, staff, processes, and clients. Be honest about what could be improved, where human intervention is necessary and where it’s not.
  2. Prioritise the results of your review.
  3. Assess the barriers to achieving each of the identified areas of improvement.
  4. Create a strategy/roadmap for increasing your digital readiness.
  5. Communicate this strategy to your staff and seek their feedback/input.
  6. Be bold and implement the changes, no matter how seismic or costly in the short term!

How to get started

Every great journey begins with a first step.

Get your key staff and stakeholders together, and begin the process. Allocate time and regular feedback sessions.

If you’re not sure where to start or would like support in starting your digital journey, just get in touch, or you might like to take our digital readiness quiz to find out whether you’re ready to meet the digital demands of 2021 and beyond!

Get in touch to organise a free, no-obligation demo.

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